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Sunday, February 13, 2011


Dzis dzien niezwykly...Wstajesz rano z bolem glowy ale dzialasz jak automat@zero czasu na spokojna kawe bo na 9 rano do kosciola@a wiec sniadanie dla dziecka, przygotowac ubranie, ogarnac mieszkanie, ubranie siebie samej ale juz czasu na jakis makijaz niebylo@szybko ubranie dziecka i strzala z domu@ a w kosciele spokoj cisza pelen relaks chwila dla siebie i dla Pana Boga rozmowa o wszystkim bo przez caly tydzien sie nazbieralo@i jak zwykle Panie Boze Pomoz bo juz niemoge, ratuj, zrob cos bo ciezko mi.
Dzien mial byc fajny bo Rafal tak ladnie odrobil lekcje i w kosciele grzecznie siedzial ale niestety problemy rodzinne rozmyly plany i wyladowalismy sami ja i Rafal na Playground dla dzieci.
Oj i nawet poznal kolege sam@sukces a raczej norma tyle ze w szkole twierdza ze ciezko mu nawiazac kontakt z rowiesnikami ale czemu poza szkola idzie mu naprawde dobrze@
No nic delektuje sie reszta niedzieli bo jutro Poniedzialek a jak znam zycie tydzien wypelniony od A DO Z zero czasu na nude, ciagly bieg i bieg a gdzie czas na relaks?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year and New Me

Yesterday, I decided that this 365 days of New Year I will use in diffrent way. Especially, I will try to help my son at school. I will not run away from problems but I will try resolve them. My wishes for this New Year are: find out appropriate help for my son, find out job,and live healthy and in peace with my family members and others people and be a good mom.

Three months ago I graduated from my school as Associate Degree Medical Assistant and I am unable to find out work because in everywhere I go they ask my for minimum one year experience. When I went for school I thought that after my life will change but I was wrong. 

Everything stay the same no work no money, just problems, bills and same me thinking what to do to make my life better and diffrent especially this year. 

I want to write a little each day and meet some others people who have same problems and share experiences and help.

In this world is good to have someone to talk....